This resin has good alkali and water resistance and proper stiffness, thus suitable for the use as a coat for fiberglass meshes. 这种树脂成膜后具有良好的耐碱、水性和硬挺度,可用作玻璃纤维网布涂层。
Ain` t you got a proper coat? 你没有一件像样的大衣吗?
It is essential that the proper double coat with correct texture always be apparent. 正确的双层被毛和正确的毛发质地是其本质。
A proper hunting coat will show a hard outer coat and wooly undercoat. 正确的猎犬被毛应该有坚硬的外层披毛和羊毛状的底毛。
Emphasis is placed on proper size and a symmetrical relationship of parts, texture of coat and color. 品种优劣的关键在于适当的大小和各部的匀称比例、被毛质量和毛色。
Proper double coat is of vital importance to protect the dog while working. 适当的双层被毛,在工作中能起到保护作用,是至关重要的。
The most important step of the mycoplasma infection and parasitism is the firm adherence to the proper coat of the respiratory tract. 鸡毒支原体感染和寄生最重要的步骤是借助表面的膜蛋白牢固地黏附在呼吸道黏膜固有层。
It also show that apply proper amount of nitrogen fertilizer can decrease the activites of PAL and Tyrosinase during the growing period, accordingly, the anthocyanidin and melanin content of seed coat are very low, and the color of ripe seed is lighter. 适当的增施氮可以降低籽粒成熟过程中种皮的苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性和酪氨酸酶活性,相应的种皮的花色素和黑色素的含量也较低,最后的成熟籽粒种皮色泽比较浅。